I know, I know. I always have an excuse. But, really, between work at work and work at home, I don't have much time for anything else. But, somehow I manage to get done what I need to get done. However, updated my blogs and website and facebook, are on the bottom of the list. It gets ugly when I finally sit down to do this stuff. Hours and hours go into updates. Oh, if only I had the time to keep up with them.
Unfortunately, I don't. So, I'm taking almost an entire night to do it all.
Forgive me if I repeat some things, but here's a list of my most recent accomplishments. You can check out my website for more info. I updated it first. (YAY!)
"Trip of A Lifetime" anthology from Sleeping Cat Books with my story "Snow Angel" is now for sale! Click this link to purchase a copy. You can even get a mug!
The Whortleberry Press anthology "Strange Christmas" has my story "Proof" in its pages. It is also for sale, and just in time for Christmas!! Here's the link to go buy yourself (or someone else) a copy.
Third Flatiron Publishing will soon be releasing "Origins: Colliding Causalties" in which I have "Of Men and Gods."
I made it into another Rainstorm Press anthology. This one is "Glimpses of Insanity" and its about unusual mental issues--not the ordinary everyday coo-coo's nest. My story is titled, "The Clonal Blake Jones."
I have had many stories accepted at Static Movement as of late. "The Gauntlet" and "One Last Christmas" were accepted for "Last Night." The anthology "Bloody Ghost Stories" accepted "A Little Girl." An anthology of drinking stories, "In Vino Veritas" will include my tale "A Restaurant in Culver City." "A House Named Ernie" was welcomed for "A Journey You Say?" anthology of life's journey stories.
Finally, I responded to an ad on Craigslist (don't bash me yet) for a call for submissions to a Gorge Writers Anthology. I've already had my story "Buckets Full of Blackberries" accepted, so now all I need to do is wait and see if the editor gets enough writers interested in submitting. I should hear something back on this shortly.
Ok, so I guess that wasn't the "final" update, after all. I am editing a story for Strange, Weird, & Wonderful's "The Inanimates I" anthology. They really liked my submission titled "Precision Sharpened for Perfect Slicing" but they want changes. I'm trying to muddle through it for a final acceptance, so wish me luck! My first submission to them was "A House Named Ernie" which they didn't accept because they already had a house tale. So, I asked what they DID want, and the editors gave me a prompt for a meat cleaver. I went for it and they said it was "kick ass." (Their words, not mine). Now, I'll see if I can make it fit for them. I'm glad it's a paying market.
Alrighty, then. I think that's all I have to update for now. I'll try to keep you posted on changes and publications and further acceptances, but I don't know how well that will go. Nonetheless, keep watching...I'm always writing and submitting.
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