A new tale online from me at Flashes in the Dark on December 22, 2011. Click here to read "Need."
Happy Holidays everyone!
My page for updates on my ideas and writings. Visit my writing website at: Tammy A. Branom's Write Site
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
I'm on amazon.com!!!
It's like a dream come true! I've always wanted to see my name on amazon.com, and now it is. Click the screen print below. My name is in the splash after the title!

If you want to order the book, click this link for it at amazon.com.
If you want to order the book, click this link for it at amazon.com.
Monday, December 05, 2011
Thimble World
I've updated my other blog, Thimble World. I've finally posted this year's pictures of my thimble village/world. Go here to look.
Monday, November 28, 2011
And more news...
So far, one person has commented on the new UM article. I was rather surprised by their statement that I had flipped a 180 on my I-don't-believe-in-aliens statement. I was only offering another thought. I don't really believe in little green or gray beings, but without a way to prove it in either corner, I will always offer a "what if" scenario. I must not have made that clear. Oh well...
In other news, I had another story accepted to yet another Static Movement anthology. My tale, "The Bravest" will be in the Shadows Within Shadows 2 book. I'm happy to finally find a home for my one and only werewolf story. It has been a thorn in my side for quite a while now. Either it was too long or too short, or it was not one direction or another, or it was just not what the editor was wanting. It finally went SOMEWHERE. Yay!!!
In other news, I had another story accepted to yet another Static Movement anthology. My tale, "The Bravest" will be in the Shadows Within Shadows 2 book. I'm happy to finally find a home for my one and only werewolf story. It has been a thorn in my side for quite a while now. Either it was too long or too short, or it was not one direction or another, or it was just not what the editor was wanting. It finally went SOMEWHERE. Yay!!!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
New Unexplained Mysteries Article
My latest article for Unexplained Mysteries, titled "Aliens Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" posted today. Be sure to check it out. Leave a comment if you like. I love to hear what people have to say about my ideas.
Go here to read it now.
Go here to read it now.
Monday, October 03, 2011
New Story On the Web
My story "Hootenanny Holler" posted today for the Halloween/Scary edition of Fictitious Magazine! Go check out all the stories here.
New Acceptance
I'll be in another Static Movement anthology, this time with my story "Progenitor." This one, Science Gone Mad, is about mad scientists and experiments gone out of control.
Monday, August 29, 2011
More stories to be published
I have 3 more stories that are going to be published through Static Movement. One is the West Virginia ghost story, "The Ride," that some of you may have heard me go on about. It has been accepted for the SM anthology Beyond the Grave. Next, I had 2 stories accepted for one Static Movement anthology. "Colonel Snowman" and "The Bell" are to be included in Monster Gallery.
I'm really beginning to think I've found a place to call home for my stories.
I'm really beginning to think I've found a place to call home for my stories.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
And now, the good news!!
I submitted poems to 2 Static Movement poetry anthologies and all were accepted!!! Nine were accepted to Poems from The Dark Side, Vol. 2 and another nine were accepted to Static Poetry Vol. V. Although they don't pay or offer contributor's copies, Static Movement is good to their word. I can count on my work being where it is supposed to be and that I will receive my ordered books. Thank you, Chris Bartholomew, for offering a place for many writers to be accepted and finally see their work flower to fruition.
First, the bad news...
The writing world sure is a muddy, bumpy road. As it turns out, the vampire story that I was so proud to have accepted by a U.K. publisher, is nothing but a scam!!!! The publisher will not pay (never has for ANY book, so I've been informed) and the books I pre-ordered will never been sent to me. In effect, I've been ripped off!! What a dark shadow this U.K. company casts on writing and publishing. Apparently, for reasons that are not clear, no one has ever reported them as scammers. Well, I have taken steps to report it all with Preditors and Editors. I also hope to get the word to other contributors and writers to avoid Panic Press or Horror House or Sam Cox/S.E. Cox/Sammi Cox/S. Cox as an editor. SHE MAKES PROMISES TO PAY BUT DOES NOT! SHE TAKES YOUR MONEY FOR BOOKS BUT DOES NOT EVER SEND THEM OUT!!! AVOID HER LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!!
I've also just learned that she is telling some people that Panic Press folded. Imagine that....
And, lulu.com shows that the anthology (Bleed and They Will Come) published July 3, 2011 and that they have it for sale. I contacted them to verify that they have it in stock or if they have to get the books from Panic Press (which they won't). Believe it or not, they HAVE NOT RESPONDED to me, either. I don't know what to make of all this, but I advise everyone to avoid ordering or writing for Panic Press books or Ms. Cox.
I've also just learned that she is telling some people that Panic Press folded. Imagine that....
And, lulu.com shows that the anthology (Bleed and They Will Come) published July 3, 2011 and that they have it for sale. I contacted them to verify that they have it in stock or if they have to get the books from Panic Press (which they won't). Believe it or not, they HAVE NOT RESPONDED to me, either. I don't know what to make of all this, but I advise everyone to avoid ordering or writing for Panic Press books or Ms. Cox.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Another Story Posted
My story "Snow Angel" posted to the online magazine Fictitious Magazine. Check it out on the site with this link.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Vacation's Over!!
Time to get back to writing. We took our vacation to St. Anthony's and Yellowstone. Still have some family things to deal with, but it's definitely time to get to writing again. So, to get rolling, I submitted another article to Unexplained Mysteries. It posted today. Go check out "Invading Force" at .
Friday, June 03, 2011
Pot Luck Anthology Available!
Ok, everyone. The Static Movement anthology "Pot Luck," in which I have 2 flash fiction stories, is now available for purchase. Click this link to show your support and purchase it. While there, you might want to check out the list of other anthologies for sale from Static Movement.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
New Haps...
On May 29, my next article posted on UE. I decided to explore the truth behind zombie (and vampire) lore of the bible and why zombies are connected to the end of the world.
On June 1, my first (and maybe only) comedy went live on Static Movement's e-zine. It's a SF comedy and supposed to be funny. Check it out with this link. Click on JUNE to view the e-zine stories.
On June 1, my first (and maybe only) comedy went live on Static Movement's e-zine. It's a SF comedy and supposed to be funny. Check it out with this link. Click on JUNE to view the e-zine stories.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Visit the Walter Rhein for my writer's interview. His blog is to help new and established writers get their name out into the world with new works. Take a look!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Mind of God
My next article for Unexplained Mysteries went live 5/7. It's titled "The Mind of God" and explores a notion that we are inside someone else's brain (or mind). Give that look-see and let me know what YOU think.
Another story gone live
I've had another flash tale (Specimen) accepted at Flashes In The Dark. Although it's an oldie, it's based on a personal, actual event. I say "based," as in not a true story but based on events of an actual occurance. Bet you can't guess where the truth and reality split.
Go to my website and click on the link to read it.
Go to my website and click on the link to read it.
I'm International!!! TBI
I'm goin' international, baby! My "vampire on Mars" story "A Long Ride" has been accepted by Panic Press in the U.K. for their anthology of vampire stories titled Bleed and They Will Come. I'm so happy and excited about this. That particular story has been accepted other places only to end up being unpublished. So, I'm hoping that the U.K. treats it a bit better, which I believe they will. Afterall, weren't vampires "born" there?
Monday, May 02, 2011
More, more, more, and still more...
New article going live on May 7 at Unexplained Mysteries. My flash story "Milepost 44" posts at Flashes In The Dark on May 9. Also, Static Movement's May e-zine has published my story "Specimen" as of May 2. On a roll, baby! On a roll!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
High School Story
As a bit of humor, I posted my very first published story (LOL) to my website. This story (The Thing That Wailed) was published in my high school's annual literay publication "The Indian War Cry." (Go Southern Local Indians!) At the time, I was the only freshman to ever have a story put in the pub. I was quite proud of it as I remember. Well, I am writing a tale now that took me back to this story, and, as a matter of posterity, I decided to save it as a PDF and upload it to my website. When reading it, please consider that I was a freshman and writing was different back then. It's a fun read for me if for nothing else than to see how I've grown. So, for anyone and everyone who wants a laugh, here's the link directly to it on my website.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I'm on a roll!!!!
Two more acceptances for Static Movement print anthologies! This is so great. I just updated my website with new information and pictures, and now I have to go back and add more. But, it's all worth it. Be sure to check out my website for more details on my accepted stories by clicking on the link in the title here or to the left.
Friday, April 08, 2011
And more acceptances!!!
Two more stories have been accepted! "The Devil's Toys" has been accepted to Dark Dispatches anthology, and as of today, "Twelve Stones" was accepted for another anthology, Dark Secrets. I'm going to post the particulars on my website.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Acceptance, rejection, and posting
Well, I've had another acceptance. My story, "Eleven Miles" has been accepted for a Static Movement print anthology, Dark Deeds in History. I had a rejection from Untied Shoelaces of the Mind. My story, "Snow Angel" was apparently "too slow" for them. But, on a 'more good news' note, my story "Rosie" posted on Flashes in the Dark today. Go here to read it while it's hot!!!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
More, more, more...
The column at Unexplained Mysteries is going great! I've had a flash story, "Rosie" accepted at Flashes in the Dark. It is to be posted on March 21. I've also had another story accepted for a print anthology with Static Movement. This one is titled, "Zep Tepi." It's my tale of cryogenically frozen pre-Egyptians. It was accepted for Incense and Perfume. Well, that's the update for my blog. As soon as anything is posted or printed, or anything else is accepted, I'll let everyone know. Now, back to writing...
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
I'm a columnist!
I've always had this little secret desire to be a reporter. Since it isn't feasible for me to pursue that anymore, I chased a dream of writing articles. Although article writing isn't really my forte, giving my opinion is. That being said, bloggging seemed like the way to go. However, if no one reads anything you post, what's the point?
I read a website, Unexplained Mysteries. I've been a big fan of it for a few years now. Recently, while reading a column, I saw an ad from the website that they were seeking writers for articles or columns. I felt that this was an opportunity I couldn't pass on. I quickly sent out an opinion article to them. Within 24 hours, they responded that what I wrote was exactly what they were seeking and that I could have my own column.
So, I am now officially a columnist!
I'm so happy with this, I really just don't know what to say. This link http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/ is to the actual website. The following link is to my first article with them.
I read a website, Unexplained Mysteries. I've been a big fan of it for a few years now. Recently, while reading a column, I saw an ad from the website that they were seeking writers for articles or columns. I felt that this was an opportunity I couldn't pass on. I quickly sent out an opinion article to them. Within 24 hours, they responded that what I wrote was exactly what they were seeking and that I could have my own column.
So, I am now officially a columnist!
I'm so happy with this, I really just don't know what to say. This link http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/ is to the actual website. The following link is to my first article with them.
Moving on...
Well, 2011 is movin' and groovin' for me. I've had 3 stories accepted for print anthologies within the past week alone. One story, "The Experiment," was accepted for Tales of Salt and Sorrow a Static Movement anthology. Two other flash fiction stories were accepted for Pot Luck, another Static Movement print anthology. I've got other stories out to other places and am eagerly awaiting their responses. I'm hoping to keep up the hot streak!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I’m not going to fool around with this topic. I’m going straight to the point.
Believers in Jesus Christ are vampires and zombies.
Yup, that’s right. I said it.
I know you’re saying, “Whoa, now. Hold up a minute, you blasphemer!” But hear me out.
I realize most people believe in God and therefore, most also believe in Jesus Christ. Not all believe in JC, but most. Some of those believers partake of the consecrated “body and blood of Christ” during Holy Communion.
So, just how far-fetched is the idea of a zombie when a person partakes of “the body of Christ” who was resurrected from the dead and became the “walking undead?” And how fantastic is it that someone “drinks the blood of Christ” who was “reborn” and “magically” appeared to many and disappeared like a ghost?
And the victims (followers) go off in search of more victims (followers) to suck or drag into their way of life. Blood-suckers and brain-devourers-R-Us.
I did some research into the beginnings of vampires and zombies just to get an idea of where the concept for them came from and how they may be tied to Jesus Christ.
Let’s begin with vampires. Although there are ancient tales of demons who are considered the forefathers of the modern vampires, the lore of the vampires began in the 18th century with an flood of superstitious tales from European countries into Western society. However, Bram Stoker’s Dracula is the granddaddy of the vampires we are familiar with today.
Bram Stoker was a protestant of the Church of Ireland. I’ll lay odds that he took Holy Communion at some point. And honestly, most great stories start with one, tiny, everyday (or out of the ordinary) occurrence. Something triggers a small notion that cascades into an entire conception. In Bram Stoker’s world, there were many strange things just waiting to be conspired. Drinking the blood of something people fear and revere is just a tidbit. Vlad Tepes was the catalyst; drinking blood a normal act of Catholicism or its offshoots. Old world legend dances with old-world behavior.
And a vampire was born from the blood of Christ. (Come on--it’s a little humorous).
Then there’s zombies. Oddly enough, the first reference to zombies, or at least the dead eating the living, was in the Epic of Gilgamesh from Sumarian legend. In the story, the goddess Ishtar promises:
I will knock down the Gates of the Netherworld,
I will smash the door posts, and leave the doors flat down,
and will let the dead go up to eat the living!
And the dead will outnumber the living![3]
The Epic of Gilgamesh has several parallels in the Christian bible including Adam and Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden, Noah and the flood, and the book of Daniel.
Technically speaking, zombies have been around longer than vampires or even JC himself.
The difference between vampires and zombies? One drinks blood, the other eats flesh. Neither are actually alive, but not quite dead. Both were “resurrected” from the dead as another form of themselves. Their victims (or followers of the group after the fact) become a part of them or a part of a group--a bigger whole--or they die. And JC? As I recall, he was resurrected and therefore no longer dead, but not formally alive. Depending upon the religion, his followers partake of his blood and flesh to become a part of him and a part of something much bigger. If you don’t follow JC, then you get to die and go to hell. No greater whole for you.
Similarities? Anyone?
Now, I know I am not (nor are the majority of people in the world) a crazed, flesh-eating, brain-devouring walking undead. Nor do I bow before a sexually appealing, blood-sucking, pale creature that is, for all intents and purposes, also the walking undead. That’s all just fiction, right? But what about those religious crazed, brain-dead, blood-sucking people who have no regard for others who go out and picket funerals or kill others in the name of Jesus? What about the Crusades? What about the Inquisition? What about the pagans who were tortured or killed if they didn’t convert to Christianity? Who were those crazy blood-sucking flesh-mongers? To me, they did more than spill blood or destroy flesh. They swallowed souls and left people walking around in confusion, cornered, and forced into concealment. Vampire and zombie victims.
So, the next time you take Holy Communion or it’s mentioned in a book you’re reading or a movie you’re watching, think about it when the priest or preacher says, “The body and blood of Christ” and puts the wafer or bread in the mouth and the wine or red soda is drank.
Hope YOU don’t become a vampire or zombie.
Believers in Jesus Christ are vampires and zombies.
Yup, that’s right. I said it.
I know you’re saying, “Whoa, now. Hold up a minute, you blasphemer!” But hear me out.
I realize most people believe in God and therefore, most also believe in Jesus Christ. Not all believe in JC, but most. Some of those believers partake of the consecrated “body and blood of Christ” during Holy Communion.
So, just how far-fetched is the idea of a zombie when a person partakes of “the body of Christ” who was resurrected from the dead and became the “walking undead?” And how fantastic is it that someone “drinks the blood of Christ” who was “reborn” and “magically” appeared to many and disappeared like a ghost?
And the victims (followers) go off in search of more victims (followers) to suck or drag into their way of life. Blood-suckers and brain-devourers-R-Us.
I did some research into the beginnings of vampires and zombies just to get an idea of where the concept for them came from and how they may be tied to Jesus Christ.
Let’s begin with vampires. Although there are ancient tales of demons who are considered the forefathers of the modern vampires, the lore of the vampires began in the 18th century with an flood of superstitious tales from European countries into Western society. However, Bram Stoker’s Dracula is the granddaddy of the vampires we are familiar with today.
Bram Stoker was a protestant of the Church of Ireland. I’ll lay odds that he took Holy Communion at some point. And honestly, most great stories start with one, tiny, everyday (or out of the ordinary) occurrence. Something triggers a small notion that cascades into an entire conception. In Bram Stoker’s world, there were many strange things just waiting to be conspired. Drinking the blood of something people fear and revere is just a tidbit. Vlad Tepes was the catalyst; drinking blood a normal act of Catholicism or its offshoots. Old world legend dances with old-world behavior.
And a vampire was born from the blood of Christ. (Come on--it’s a little humorous).
Then there’s zombies. Oddly enough, the first reference to zombies, or at least the dead eating the living, was in the Epic of Gilgamesh from Sumarian legend. In the story, the goddess Ishtar promises:
I will knock down the Gates of the Netherworld,
I will smash the door posts, and leave the doors flat down,
and will let the dead go up to eat the living!
And the dead will outnumber the living![3]
The Epic of Gilgamesh has several parallels in the Christian bible including Adam and Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden, Noah and the flood, and the book of Daniel.
Technically speaking, zombies have been around longer than vampires or even JC himself.
The difference between vampires and zombies? One drinks blood, the other eats flesh. Neither are actually alive, but not quite dead. Both were “resurrected” from the dead as another form of themselves. Their victims (or followers of the group after the fact) become a part of them or a part of a group--a bigger whole--or they die. And JC? As I recall, he was resurrected and therefore no longer dead, but not formally alive. Depending upon the religion, his followers partake of his blood and flesh to become a part of him and a part of something much bigger. If you don’t follow JC, then you get to die and go to hell. No greater whole for you.
Similarities? Anyone?
Now, I know I am not (nor are the majority of people in the world) a crazed, flesh-eating, brain-devouring walking undead. Nor do I bow before a sexually appealing, blood-sucking, pale creature that is, for all intents and purposes, also the walking undead. That’s all just fiction, right? But what about those religious crazed, brain-dead, blood-sucking people who have no regard for others who go out and picket funerals or kill others in the name of Jesus? What about the Crusades? What about the Inquisition? What about the pagans who were tortured or killed if they didn’t convert to Christianity? Who were those crazy blood-sucking flesh-mongers? To me, they did more than spill blood or destroy flesh. They swallowed souls and left people walking around in confusion, cornered, and forced into concealment. Vampire and zombie victims.
So, the next time you take Holy Communion or it’s mentioned in a book you’re reading or a movie you’re watching, think about it when the priest or preacher says, “The body and blood of Christ” and puts the wafer or bread in the mouth and the wine or red soda is drank.
Hope YOU don’t become a vampire or zombie.
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